Undergraduate Skills Support at LSE
The Library and Centre for Learning Technology are carrying out a review of information and digital literacy provision for undergraduate students across LSE during 2012 to inform our own teaching, identify areas of good practice and any possible gaps in provision. It may also provide a way of better joining up what is offered to undergraduate students at LSE. If you want more information about the project see:

In order to build up a picture of support offered to undergraduate students we would be grateful if you could complete this short survey. Please write as much or as little in response to each question. It is fine to skip any questions you don’t feel you can answer. All responses will be confidential and data will be anonymised in the final report.

Many thanks,
Jane, Maria and Darren

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Department *
Role at LSE *
How would you summarise your role?
How do you think you support students in developing the range of study skills they need as undergraduates?
At which point do you support them?
Formal OR Informal?
In this next set of questions we are interested to know more about how you support students. For each question you are presented with a series of checkboxes and terms. Please tick all that you think apply.

It is important that you are clear what is meant by each of the terms. For example, formal support might take the form of scheduled sessions for students or dedicated web resources or handouts, whereas informal might be dealing with student queries on an ad hoc basis. Similarly, you may not always be a provider of support yourself, but instead act as a referrer, directing students to the appropriate support person or department. The support you provide might be entirely independent from the students programme of study (standalone), or it might be more closely integrated into their programme or courses (embedded).

Please tick "Unsure" wherever you are not certain about a question, and make use of the "Other" text field to indicate to us any further information you think might be relevant.
Do you support students clarifying the differences in expectation and practice between school and university? e.g. Help students produce work at HE level
Do you support students by providing opportunities to reflect on, enhance and manage their own learning, including its emotional impact? e.g. Help students become independent learners
Do you support students in term of developing their academic reading and writing skills, including critical analysis, framing arguments, style and structure?
Do you support students in terms of evaluating scholarly material, identifying trusted sources, recognising expertise in a given discipline? e.g. Help students learn who their subject experts are
Do you support students in terms of recognising the key finding aids, and going beyond them to using specialist information sources as appropriate for their discipline such as datasets or archives?
Do you support students in terms of developing key skills such as notemaking, time management, information storage, reference management, alerting services?
Do you support students in terms of understanding attribution and how to avoid plagiarism; copyright, IPR, appropriate levels of sharing?
Do you support students choosing an appropriate voice, style, level and format to communicate various types of scholarly output; managing online identity?
Do you support students assimilating and synthesising information within a disciplinary context, framing problems, formulating research questions?
Do you support students translating learned experiences into dealing with information needs in new contexts such as the workplace and their daily life? e.g. Help students realise learning is ongoing
What do you understand by the term 'information literacy' and 'digital literacy' skills?
Please use this space to tell us anything else you think might be relevant to undergraduate skills support at LSE
Many thanks for your help
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