The country of origin effect and purchasing of German branded beer

My name is Tom and I'm a final year Business Studies student at Bournemouth University. I am currently researching how the Country of Origin Effect influences consumer purchasing decisions when buying beer. My first study revealed that German beer is the most popular amongst UK consumers and this second study focuses on UK consumers' attitudes towards German beer.

Please could you take two minutes to answer the questionnaire below, any completions of the questionnaire will be greatly appreciated.

Please note: You must be over 18 years old to participate in this questionnaire. All answers will remain anonymous and confidential.

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Please respond to the following statements *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I like German brands of beer more than any other international brand of beer
I would drink German branded beer more than I would drink any other international brand of beer
German branded beer is my preferred beer over any other international brand of beer
I would be happy to buy German branded beer over any other international brand of beer
Beer produced in Germany... *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree expensive reasonably priced considering quality cheap
To what degree do you associate each of the following attributes with Germany? *
Not at all
Very little
Not sure
Quite a lot
To a great extent
To what degree do you associate each of the following statements with beer produced in Germany in general? *
Not at all
Very little
Not sure
Quite a lot
To a great extent
State-of-the-art technology
High quality standards and control
Well-trained workforce
Highly motivated workers
Please answer the following *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
German branded beer is made with meticulous workmanship
German branded beer is distributed worldwide
Germany is friendly in international affairs
To what degree do you associate each of the following statements with beer produced in Germany in general? *
Not at all
Very little
Not sure
Quite a lot
To a great extent
Is subject to repetitive purchasing
Is made with state of the art beer making practices
Is made with good quality ingredients
Is unique rather than standardised
Please respond to the following *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I would purchase beer from Germany
I would not mind purchasing beer from Germany
It is very likely that I would purchase beer from Germany
Please indicate your gender
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Please indicate your age *
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