Evolution Rock Metal Podcast Music Submission Form
Fill in this form to complete your music submission to Evolution Rock.
Allow Evolution Rock 4 to 5 days for your music submission to be confirmed.
*New DropBox Submission*
Follow this link to make your song submission through Evolution Rock's Dropbox
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Band or Project Name *
Write your band's name or project's name.
Song Name *
Record Name *
Genre *
for example: death metal, classic heavy metal etc.
Selection Recording Media *
Band Members
Location (Country, City) *
Website *
e-mail *
Link to Download Music
Paste the URL of the location of the digital media, so we can download it. If you prefer, you can e-mail it here evolution-rock@hotmail.com, evolutionrockpod@gmail.com, SoundCloud Dropbox
I'm sending my music through
How are you sending your MP3s
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-OPTIONAL- SoundCloud DropBox  - Only if you are sending your music through SoundCloud -
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