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University Students' Low Motivation and Knowledge Acquisition
Low motivation that students have is a critical issue that needs our attention. This questionnaire aims to collect data for a study for the mentioned cause. In order to improve our educational progress, I ask you that you complete the following questionnaire as completely as possible
تدني الدافعية للتعلم لدى الطلاب تعد مشكلة كبيرة وحساسة وتحتاج إلى ان نعيرها اهتمامنا. هذا الإستبيان يهدف لجمع معلومات لدراسة هذه المشكلة وإيجاد حلول لها. لكي نحسن من اساليب التعليم ونطور تقدمنا التعليمي ونرتقي به, اطلب منك أخي الكريم أن تقوم بالإجابة على هذا الإستبيان.
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?How would you describe K.A.U students' performance
بم يمكنك وصف اداء طلاب جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز؟
Very weak
Very high
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?How many students do you know have a GPA of 4.5 or higher
كم عدد الطلاب الحاصلين على معدل 4.5 أو اعلى, على حسب معرفتك الشخصية؟
1 – 5
6 – 10
10 – 20
More than 20
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( In your opinion, which of the following is considered a cause for low motivation? ( You can choose more than one
اختر من التالي ما تعتقد انه سبب من اسباب تدني دافعية التعلم ( بإمكانك اختيار اكثر من اجابة )؟
Wasting time
Causes related to parents
Causes related to teachers
Causes related to the community
The type of friends
( As a student, what are the distractions you might have? ( You can choose more than one
بإعتقادك كطالب, ماهي المشتتات اللي قد تواجهك؟
(Internet (Facebook, YouTube… etc.
The TV
Video Games
Meeting friends and spending time with them
Being busy with parents and spending time with them
?Of the following, what lowers your motivation the most
من الأختيارات التالية, قم بإختيار السبب اللذي تعتقد انه العامل الأكبر في تدني الدافعية لديك
Getting low grades in certain subject
(Points related to the teacher (how he reacts with students, his teaching method, being strict… etc
The level of difficulty of subjects
(Rumors amongst students (for example: no one will pass this subject with a higher grade than C
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?Is the curriculum for your faculty/specialty and the amount of credit hours considered a cause for low motivation
هل الخطة الدراسية للتخصص/للكلية وعدد الساعات المقررة تعتبر من اسباب تدني الدافعية لدى الطلاب؟
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( In your opinion, what are the solutions for low motivation? ( You can choose more than one
ما هو حل تدني الدافعية برأيك ( يمكنك اختيار اكثر من اجابة )؟
Establish "Create" new educational systems
Generate awareness among students of the issue of low motivation
(Enlight students to turn their interest towards their future ambitions such as (future career… etc
Change the method of teaching
?How is/are the solution(s) selected above going to make changes
كيف من الممكن اجابتك للسؤال السابق ان تحدث تغييرات؟
Your answer
?If the method of teaching or the curriculum “Study Plan” changed, would that help decrease the problem of low motivation
اذا تم تغيير الخطة الدراسية المقررة أو طريقة التدريس, هل تعتقد ان ذلك سيساعد في الحد من مشكلة تدني الدافعية لدى الطلاب؟
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?In your opinion, when does the issue of low motivation start
بإعتقادك متى تبدأ تتكون مشكلة تدني الدافعية لدى الطلاب؟
Primary school
Middle school
High school
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?When the Ministry of Education made a lot of improvements to the books in high school, did that encourage students
عندما قامت وزارة التربية والتعليم بعمل الكثير من التعديلات لكتب المراحل الدراسية المختلفة, هل كان هذا مصدر تشجيع للطلاب؟
(Yes (Skip the next question
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If your answer was "No‟ to the previous question. Please state why
اذا كانت اجابتك للسؤال السابق بـ لا. فضلاً اذكر السبب
The system of education still needs a lot of improvements
The method of teaching needs to be changed
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?How can we decrease low motivation in high school and prevent it from increasing in university level
كيف بإمكاننا الحد من مشكلة تدني الدافعية لدى الطلاب من المرحلة الثانوية ومنعها من الإزدياد في المرحلة الجامعية؟
We need to build and strengthening students’ self-confidence
Students need to get more encouragement from their teachers
Parents need to get involved in students’ educational process
Students must have a clear view of what their ambitions are
The community needs to be educated
Find solutions to students whose their only goal is grades and keeping a good attendance record
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?In your opinion, which one of the following choices would be the best solution for low motivation
من الاختيارات التالية, ما اللذي تعتقد انه سيكون افضل حل لمشكلة تدني دافعية التعلم لدى الطلاب؟
(Help students who have this issue by trying to change their view of themselves (low self-esteem… etc.
(Help students by increasing their educational attainment (outcome
Finding a way to link education to their personal interests
Teachers must try to break down the barriers that some students might create for themselves
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If you have any notes, I will be more than glad to hear from you
إذا كان لديك اي ملاحظات, يسعدني تلقيها منك فقط قم بكتابتها في الخانة ادناه
Your answer
You are AWESOME! Thanks for your cooperation
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