RTC support 2017

If you got any questions please contact network@aegee.org or your Network Commissioner
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Local *
Your name and your position in your local *
Contact e-mail address *
Name of your Network Commissioner *
Date of the RTC *
Planned place of the RTC (city name and venue - e.g. cottage near X city) *
We apply reimbursement for: *
If you want external trainer, do you already know whom will you ask? *
If you need trainer and know whom you want, please share with us! (and also write the distance s/he lives from the place of the training - km or city name)
Which of the compulsory session according to CIA are you going to implement?
You can choose either from the old ones or from the new ones in this call due to the transition period. Previous CIA sessions are Leadership Skills or Strategic Planning, the others are according to the new CIA.
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For how many participants do you organise the RTC? *
With which locals will you organise RTC? *
You can mention the co-organising locals (if there are), or just type "I'm going to organise the RTC by myself"
Topics of your RTC apart from the Compulsory Sessions *
in bullet points
Why do you need the support? *
Motivation to organise the training, needs for the event...
Any other comments?
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