FEEVA Antimicrobial use survey
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This questionnaire is completely anonymous but it is very useful to have details on where you work and how long you have been working to help us identify differences between countries and between vets with different levels of experience.
1-a. In which country do you work as a veterinary surgeon?
1-b. How long have you been working in veterinary practice?
2. What is your perception of the importance of antimicrobial resistance in equine practice, in particular multi resistant organisms (e.g. MRSA, Entercoccus faecalis, Salmonella, E coli)?
3. Please rank five of the most important factors (1 = most important, 5 = not so important) which influence your choice of antimicrobial.
Demand of the owner or trainer
Clinical or professional experience
Bacterial culture and sensitivity results
Price or profit margin of the VMP
Marketing offers (e.g. bonus packages) and/or advertising
Guidance/codes of practice or legal/official restrictions on use
Inclusion of responsible use precautions in the product data sheet (Specified Product Characteristics)
Withdrawal period
Route or ease of administration
Sustainable use of antimicrobials in the veterinary medicine
How quickly/easily the product can be obtained
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Other – please specify
4. Would a broader range of available antimicrobial drugs be beneficial for your patients?
If yes, please specify which antimicrobial drugs you are lacking
5. What proportion of the prescriptions you write/antimicrobial treatments you prescribe or dispense would be for early treatment of in-contact horses (horses which have not yet developed clinical signs but which have been in contact with the horse(s) you have been asked to examine which have clinical signs = metaphylaxis)?
< 25%
25 - 50%
50 - 75%
> 75%
Do you practice "metaphylaxis"
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