2015 Nantucket Wine Festival Volunteer Signup
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the 2015 Nantucket Wine Festival, May 13-17, 2015.

We ask that each volunteer work a minimum of three (3) four-hour shifts – this includes set-up shifts, on-site shifts, event shifts, and breakdown shifts. Some volunteers work as many as 8 shifts depending on energy, interest, and availability.

All volunteers will receive a Nantucket Wine Festival shirt and a ticket to Session 3 of the Grand Tastings (Sunday, May 17th).  If your Volunteer Itinerary happens to include Session 3 of the Grand Tastings, we will offer a ticket to another Grand Tastings Session.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Cell Phone *
Email *
What days and times are you available? (Wednesday, May 13 - Sunday, May 17) *
How many shifts would you like to work? *
Wednesday, May 13 *
Thursday, May 14 *
Are you available to volunteer before or after the festival, for set-up and tear-down?
Please indicate any days you are available to volunteer. We will be in touch with you to determine the exact time(s) of your availability and discuss exactly what we need assistance with.
Have you volunteered at NWF in the past? *
If yes, which events and in what role?
Have you volunteered for Great Wines in Grand Houses? *
Events of interest for volunteering *
Special skills (i.e. culinary, catering, wine pouring, etc.)
Can you lift 20 lbs and be on your feet for up to 4 hours? *
Any physical restrictions?
Please check your shirt size *
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