Independent Minyan Information
Please fill this out to add information to the "Big Independent Minyan List".  The idea is to create an up-to-date list of independent minyanim* that is as comprehensive as possible.  The list is being curated by me, Jeff Lerman, and will be available publicly on the web.  The actual list is posted here:

Your entry will not appear on the list immediately, but will be copied there after brief review (to avoid duplicate entries, etc).

* For the purposes of this list, "independent minyan" is defined according to two (of three) criteria articulated by Elie Kaunfer:  (1) volunteer-led and organized with no paid clergy; (2) no denomination/movement affiliation.
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Minyan Name *
The name the minyan goes by.
The URL for the main minyan website.  If there's no website but there is some other online presence (Facebook page, etc), feel free to supply that.
Minyan Email
Email address for getting in touch with the minyan.  Please don't include personal email addresses here unless you have confirmed with the owner of the address that it's OK to do so; addresses used for contacting the minyan leadership (e.g. are preferred.
Seating Model *
Minyan Definition *
How many people/who has to be present for this minyan to consider a minyan to be present?
Meeting times
Does this minyan meet at least sometimes on: Friday nights?  Saturday mornings?  For chaggim?  Please check all that apply.
City *
Country *
Founding Year
If you know what year the minyan first met, please indicate that here.
Your Name *
If I have any questions, this will help me get in touch with you.  This will NOT be included on the minyan list entry.
Your email
Please include your email address here if it'd be OK for me to get in touch with you if I have any questions.  This will NOT be included on the minyan list entry.
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