Questionnaire SEO & SMO
This questionnaire object is for website who implemented social media optimization and search engine optimization
This research is for internal scientific purpose as a thesis in Universitas Padjadjaran-Indonesia and unpublished
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General Question
How long have you been implemented Social Media Optimization for your website
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Which Social Media that you use for your company
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Strongly Disagree
Title tags help your webpage appears in search engine with keyword relevance
Meta tags help your webpage appears in search engine with keyword relevance
Inbound links / link tags can ensure that the website’s content is devoted to the specific keyword that is entered into search engine
The number of times the key phrase is repeated in the text of web page is a key factor in determining the position for key used and ultimately boost position in the search engine
The more link you have from good quality sites, the better your ranking will be.
A site that uses a lot of graphical material and/or plug-ins is less likely to be listed highly
Bounce rate indicate the measurement of social media optimization
Compare with membership (registered visitor) levels, unique visit could be the measurement of social media optimization
Pages view and time spent of visitor on your website indicate the measurement of social media optimization
Reffererr URL indicate the measurement of social media optimization
Message that sperad in social media are costumize-prepared to appeal to the addressed individual costumer
Activities related to business and company information in social media are updated dialy or reguraly
Social media utilize not only for served information but also to make an interactive communication with costumers
Membership level (total friends, followers, subscribers) in company social media indicate the measurement of social media optimization
Percentage of your membership base compare to unique visit indicate the measurement of social media optimization
Share of your social traffic is actually completing the activities you have define
Mention, hashtag, number of people talking about your company in social media visit indicate the measurement of social media optimization
The number of your content being spread, send to a friend, share (virality) is the key indicator to measure optimization of social media
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