Note-Taker Application Form
Thank you for your interest in being a note-taker this term! Please complete the following form to begin the application process.  ALSO, please remember to send an electronic copy of 2 pages of your notes (ideally, notes you've taken for a similar class to the class or classes your are applying for) to Thank you!
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Your Full Name *
Your expected year of graduation from Dartmouth: *
Your major(s) / minor(s): *
Please check all of the statements that apply. *
What classes are you registered to take this term? *
List course name and no. (COSC 2), Section (3), Class Time (2A), Professor. Please put each class on a separate line.
Are there any specific class(es) for which you are applying to be a note-taker?
Please list any classes you have taken at Dartmouth that are similar to the one(s) you are applying for now (and the grade you received):
For example:  Chinese 2, A-, Math 3, B+, etc.
How many estimated hours per week are you interested in working as a note-taker? *
 Note-takers are paid per hour for class time. For example, if you take notes for a class that runs from 9:00-9:50 four times a week, you will be paid for 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes) per week.
What is your current GPA? *
In the space below, please briefly describe why you are interested in being a note-taker and what personal characteristics you have that would make you a strong candidate for this position: *
Would you be interested in being in our database of potential note-takers for future terms? *
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