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Below you will find a list of statements. Please rate the truth of each statement as it applies to you using the rating scale below. For instance, if you believe a statement is ‘Always True,’ you would select a 7 under that statement.
1 = Never True
2 = Very Seldom True
3 = Seldom True
4 = Sometimes True
5 = Frequently True
6 = Almost Always True
7 = Always True
1. Worrying about my weight makes it difficult for me to live a life that I value.
2. I care too much about my weight and body shape.
3. I shut down when I feel bad about my body shape or weight.
4. My thoughts and feelings about my body weight and shape must change before I can take important steps in my life.
Please rate the truth of each statement as it applies to you using the rating scale below.
1 = Never True
2 = Very Seldom True
3 = Seldom True
4 = Sometimes True
5 = Frequently True
6 = Almost Always True
7 = Always True
5. Worrying about my body takes up too much of my time.
6. If I start to feel fat, I try to think about something else.
7. Before I can make any serious plans, I have to feel better about my body.
8. I will have better control over my life if I can control my negative thoughts about my body.
Please rate the truth of each statement as it applies to you using the rating scale below.
1 = Never True
2 = Very Seldom True
3 = Seldom True
4 = Sometimes True
5 = Frequently True
6 = Almost Always True
7 = Always True
9. To control my life, I need to control my weight.
10. Feeling fat causes problems in my life.
11. When I start thinking about the size and shape of my body, it’s hard to do anything else.
12. My relationships would be better if my body weight and/or shape did not bother me.
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