Plot: Conflict Paragraph 2011
During first reading unit of the year, we will study conflict.  Conflict is a struggle or clash between two opposing characters or forces.  Many times, people think of conflicts as just struggles between two people.  However, conflicts are also struggles between people and nonhuman things.  For example, people often have conflicts with the natural forces.  

Write a paragraph about a time you overcame a conflict with nature, such as rain, wind, fire, cold, heat, or snow.  Remember to use at least 100 words and proofread your work.    

Suggested Outline: (You can use this to help you structure your paragraph, but it is not required.)
1. Topic Sentence:
-When I was …, I overcame a conflict with ….
2. Supporting Details:
-First, …
-Later, I…
-To overcome this challenge, I had to…
3. Closing Sentence:
-I learned…

Blog Post Title: Plot: Movie Plot Summary Paragraph
Tags/Labels: plot, reflection

After you have posted your paragraph, go leave comments on two of your peers' posts.  Each comment should be at least ten words in length, related to the paragraph, friendly, and demonstrate school style writing. Suggested sentence starters:
--I agree/disagree with you because…
 --You post reminds me of…
 --Your post is _____ because...

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Copy and paste the URL after you have typed your post.
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Copy and pase the URLs/links and student names of the posts you commented on. *
Did you use a sentence starter in your post?  Why or why not? *
The Grade Your Work Deserves: *
Be honest!  
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