Outline Beta Tester Signup Survey
IMPORTANT: We have finished recruiting new beta-testers at this time. Please feel free to fill out this survey anyway to participate in future beta-tests.

This short survey will help us understand what kind of iPad user you are, and how you can best contribute to making Outline a great app. Please be honest in your answers. We are looking for all kinds of users and even if you are new to iPad and taking notes, we need your feedback.

Thank you,
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About you
Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
First name
Last name
Email address
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Where do you live?
Your country
Enter your blog address if you have one
Your iPad  and note-taking experience
What iPad model do you have?
Choose all device models that you own
Do you know how to make screenshots with iPad?
Do you use OneNote for notetaking?
Do you use your iPad for note-taking?
What note-taking apps have you tried?
List any iPad note-taking tools that you tried
Have you participated in beta testing before?
If Yes, please tell us what apps you tested
Will you send us a feedback? *
Providing you with a beta version of Outline, we are really looking for your detailed feedback about its usability and any issues you find. By signing up for beta testing, you agree to beta test it. Fair enough :)
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