GJW X - Week 4 Trivia
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What are the traditional weapons of the Tusken Raiders called?
Warwick Davis played what role in Return of the Jedi?
What Cell Block was Princess Leia being held in?
What are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field (According to C3PO)?
Who's body is crushed under the foot of an AT-AT in Empire STrikes Back?
How many types of Star Wars action figures were on shelves for Christmas 1977?
What was the name of the ISD that captured the Tantive IV in the beginning of Star Wars?
When was Boba Fett first seen by the American Public?
What part in Star Wars was Sylvester Stallone considered for?
How many puppeteers were needed for Yoda in Empire Strikes Back?
This Clan once had "Telekinetics" as their force power specialization?
Name the House or Clan that "Farsight Wing" calls home
The planet of Joran is located where?
This DB artifact was able to grant special properties to those who once wielded the powers of Elementalism.  Name that artifact
It was created for those who wished to play Star Wars Galaxies in the DB.  Name it
Who created the first working database for the DB?
This award is given out only twice a year.  Name it
Name the position that created "Guilds" in the DB
Name the GJW that had a "Force Infection"
What House or Clan has their home system close to "The Maw"?
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