EMPY Voting for the year 2011
This is a chance for you to vote on the best of 2011 on Dragonmount.
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Best WoT Discussion Thread
Has this thread made you go all ‘mmmmm…’. Has this thread broadened your WoT horizon or at least made your binocular vision slightly better? If it has, share the wealth, my friend. Don’t be stingy.
Most Thought Provoking Thread
Does this thread make you scratch your head? Do you feel the undeniable need to google a lot? Can’t seem to lose your confused expression? It could mean a myriad of things.
Best WoT Geek
Did this person know who killed Asmodean before RJ did? Does this person recite the Aiel battle song in the shower? If the answer to both is yes, then you’ve hit the mark.
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Best Debater
Does this person keep talking and talking in discussions until people agree with them just to shut them up? Is this person a fan of stating their opinion and defending it to death (their own or that of their counterpart)?
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Best Mafia Game Leader
Does this person compile the most surreal and complex games that leaves you sucking your thumb in a fetal position?
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Best Moderator/ Other Staff
 Is there such a thing?
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Newbie of the Year
Does this member reek newbiness? Is this member more cow-eyed than…a cow? Is every action followed by irritating enthusiasm?
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Funniest Member
 If every time you read this person’s posts, you giggle to the point where your co-workers think you’re a deranged weirdo who should be hospitalized, then you should know what to do.
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Spammiest Member
If the amount of spamming this member produces could feed a third world country, then you have the right person in mind.  
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Nicest Member
If this person is so nice it makes you want to puke a little, then you’re probably looking in the right place.
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Most Evil Member
If this person enjoys making fun of ugly babies in their spare time, it’s a good sign.
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Golden Empy Award
Know a member that has refused to go away in the last 4+ years? Someone who makes the rest of us look bad with the amount of work they put in? Let them know that they suck.
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Best Signature Artist
Best signature Artist (duh).
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Best Dragonmount Feature
What is your favorite thing about Dragonmount, aside from random crashing and board deletion?
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Best Dragonmount Joke Feature
Cause we're awesome and indulge in your fantasies...
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Most Outstanding Social Group
Basically, the group that has most members. ^_^
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Most Improved Social Group
The group that managed to get back from rehab and make things right again.
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Best Social Group Leader
The group leader that has managed to effectively seem like they’re doing all the work, while secretly… probably doing all the work.
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Most Outstanding Social Group Member
If you think this member is the best thing that ever happened to the site then you’re prolly wrong, but this is the place to feed your illusions.
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Most Impressive Roleplaying Group
The RP group with the best looking people in it.
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Most Improved RP Group
The RP group with the best looking people in it, with the aid of surgical correction.
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Best Roleplay Group Leader
Best patron in the Roleplay realm.
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Funniest Roleplayer
A Roleplayer that makes it worth a while to read long posts. Almost.
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Most Impressive Roleplay Organsier
Best party and cocktail organizer.
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Most impressive PSW RP Writer
Who’s the prettiest and most articulate of them all?
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