Open Streets Volunteering—Lyndale Ave South, June 10th, 2012, 10:00am-4:00pm
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Open Streets Minneapolis 2012 on Lyndale Avenue South on June 10! Please fill out this form to register as a volunteer. All volunteers receive an Open Streets t-shirt and an invite to a post-Open Streets thank-you party!!

All volunteers will meet up with your crew at your volunteer time (please be prompt!) at the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition Open Streets booth on the northwest corner of the Lyndale bridge over the Midtown Greenway to receive a brief training and be assigned to your post.

It's fun to volunteer with a friend!  Let your friends know about this and tell us if you would like to be paired up with someone at the bottom of the form.  

If you have any questions about Open Streets volunteering, you can email us at or give us a call at 612-568-6227.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number (So we can reach you day-of if needed)
T-shirt size
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I'm available for ANY volunteer position! I'm available anytime between 9:00am and 4:30pm.
No need to complete any of the following specific volunteer shift preferences. Thanks for being flexible!
If you'd like to request a specific shift, please select from the following options below.
You may choose multiple shifts as long as long as they don't overlap.  Thanks!
Street Monitors (57 total needed)
To keep the street “open” we need to keep cars off the street during the event.  Volunteers are needed at most intersections to set up the barricades (first shift only) and make sure no cars turn onto Lyndale Avenue while the street is closed. This is great for people watching or as a fun way to volunteer with a friend.

Roving Ambassadors (16 total needed)
Are you a people person? Do you have an interest in engaging with Open Streets participants while moving along Lyndale? If so, then the roving ambassador’s position is for you! We need volunteers willing to hand out schedules and administer surveys throughout the day. Very enthusiastic volunteers are also needed for the first shift to attract people to the event from the Greenway and other key points along the route at the beginning of the event.  
Wranglers (12 total needed)
Are you comfortable directing non-motorized traffic? Would you like to volunteer near an event like the Nice Ride slow race or the Guerilla Yogi class? Volunteers are needed to direct bicycle and pedestrian traffic around venue areas. Shifts are available throughout the event.  If you feel comfortable directing bicyclists and walkers or want to volunteer at a specific event then this is the perfect position for you.  
Set-up/Break Down Crew (12 needed total)
These shifts take place before or after the event. Volunteers are needed to set up from 9 to 10 AM before the event begins and then to help tear down beginning at 3:45. We will have everything you need to set up and tear down.
Clean-Up Crew (8 needed total)
We want to leave a good impression in the neighborhood and leave no traces behind of the fun had during the event.  Volunteers are needed for a short shift at the end of the event to help pick up the trash bins and garbage along the route. Gloves and bags are provided. Volunteers with bike trailers are encouraged to sign up.
Street Painters (4 needed total)
Calling all artists! Open Streets needs volunteers to paint bike lane art and bike boxes on a segment of the route. Volunteers are also needed to chalk up the Greenway to direct traffic to Open Streets. This would be done from 9 to 10 AM before the event begins.  Washable paint and chalk will be provided.
Minneapolis Bike Coalition Booth (12 needed total)
This year we will be having a photo booth to capture all the smiling faces we hope to see during the event. Board Members and friends of Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition are needed to promote the Coalition and greet Open Streets participants.
Roving Photographers (10 desired total)
Are you a professional or aspiring professional photographer with your own camera? We are looking for volunteers with photography skills to capture images from the event. While anyone can and should take photos to document the event, we would love to know who will be out and when. If you plan on taking photos and are willing to share, please consider signing up as a volunteer. The top 5 photos will be featured on the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition and Open Streets websites.
Optional Notes
If you'd like to share a volunteer shift with someone, let us know who so we can put you together.  Thanks for volunteering!
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