Pouet demographic survey
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1 - Is your household income (you, the missus & any kids sold into slavery) over the minimum wage per annum? Since we're talking about a lot of countries here go for a guesstimate "yes" or "no". *
2 - Do you own property or rent?
3 - Own vehicle or public transport/bicycle?
4 - Married/Single/"Partners"
5 - Kids?
6 - Pets/Pot Plants? (As in pet "replacements". If you've got a warehouse full of sensimilla buds let me know tho ;))
7 - ICT industry/other?
8 - Salaryman or The Man?
9 - Kindergarten/High school/uni/trade-school (poly-tech)/post-grad/research?
10 - Smoker/drinker?
11 - Gym membership that was used more than 3 times ever.
12 - Carnosaur/omnivore/wannabe-vego/militant-vegan?
13 - Regularly interact (talk, eat with, fuck, play sport with etc.) with real live people in RL?
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