Music Magazine Feedback
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Does my front cover look realistic? *
What do you like about my front cover? *
What could I improve on my front cover? *
What do you rate my front cover out of 5? (5 the highest, 1 the lowest) *
Does my contents page look realistic? *
What do you like about my contents page? *
What could I improve on my contents page? *
What do you rate my contents page out of 5? (5 the highest, 1 the lowest) *
Does my double page look realistic? *
What do you like about my double page spread? *
What could I improve on my double page spread? *
What do you rate my double page spread out of 5? (5 the highest, 1 the lowest) *
Does my magazine suit the target audience age? (16-25) *
Does my magazine fit the genre? (R'n'B/Hip Hop) *
If 'No', then why?
Would you purchase this music magazine for £2.30? *
Why/Why not? *
Any overall improvements or comments?
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