DevFest West 2013 Participant Survey
Thanks for attending DevFest West! Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us. This information is collected anonymously, and will be used to help improve future GDG events.

Show us your survey completion page to claim a t-shirt over dinner! Additional giveaway prizes will be raffled off to survey-takers. Please provide you email address below so we can contact you.

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Please give us your email address to enter to win a prize!
We will email winners over dinner to claim their prize.
Your Experience
How was your overall experience at GDG DevFest? *
Hated it
Loved it!
How would you rate the level of the technical sessions overall? *
Did you learn something new by attending the speaker sessions? *
Not Much
Yes, a lot
What would you like to see more of in the future?
Event Management
How would you rate the overall management of GDG DevFest?
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How was your experience with the registration process?
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Feedback on food at the event?
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