Imprint Application
Imprint wants to get to know you better!

Please complete the following questions.
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First Name (what you like to be called) *
Last Name *
Gender *
Email *
Phone number *
Year *
Which position are you applying for? *
What is your proudest achievement and why? *
Tell us a quirky fact about yourself that most people would not know. *
What do you think you will gain from joining the Imprint team? *
What is Imprint, as a conference, and team, going to gain from you? *
Who is the person you most look up to (your idol) and why? *
Please write a 150 word blurb, aimed at students, announcing the second PCDub (pre-conference workshop). Be creative and feel free to add in facts (e.g. name of event, what it's about, who's coming out to speak, other perks, etc.) The purpose of this question is to get a feel of your writing style!
Mandatory for Social Media Coordinator Applicant, optional for all other positions.
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