How is my Teaching?
Your honest feedback will help me become a better teacher. Thank you for your input.
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Do you feel that I am teaching you well? *
How would you rate my knowledge of the subject I am teaching? *
Poor (Non-existent)
How would you rate my knowledge of the Board of Studies requirements for this subject? *
Pace - am I teaching at the right speed? *
(An excellent teacher will have most responses in the middle)
Too Slow
Too Fast
Understanding that the topic is required content, do I make it as interesting as possible? *
Review Questions *
Please comment on the value of the review questions conducted at the beginning of each lesson
Do you feel respected and valued in my class? *
Teacher hates me
Teacher likes me
Understanding - do you generally understand the lessons I teach? *
I still don't get it
I always understand
Clarity - were my instructions and teaching clear and easy to hear? *
Hard to understand
Very clear easy to understand
Discipline - do you think students are well behaved in my class? *
Students behave badly
Students are well behaved
Challenged - do you feel that I challenge you during the lessons? *
I am unchallenged
You push me academically
Expectations - do you think I have high expectations of you? *
You don't think I can achieve alot
You believe I can achieve excellent results
Effort - are you giving me your best effort? *
I could work harder
I am working as hard as I can
Passion - do you think I am passionate about teaching and my subject? *
You don't enjoy teaching or this subject
You love teaching and this subject
Guidance or Feed Back - do I provide you with valuable feedback? *
(this can be through marked work or suggestions in class etc)
You hardly give feedback
You give useful, detailed and consistent feedback
Overall Rating *
Please provide an overall appraisal of how you have found my teaching thus far
Have you got something that you would like to say? Please be respectful.
Write up to 100 words in the space provided.
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