The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating - Part 2
Read Part Two of Elisabeth Tova Bailey's book The Sound of  a Wild Snail Eating. After reading, complete the two observations activities and record your data below.
अपनी प्रगति को सेव करने के लिए Google में साइन इन करें. ज़्यादा जानें
Name *
Period *
1. Observation Time
You were instructed to observe an object for 15 minutes, but to stop and check your timing device only after you felt that your 'internal clock' had reached 15 minutes.  Write your actual time of observation (rounded to the nearest minute) below.
2. Observations of People Watching
You were instructed to spend an additional 10-15 minutes observing other people. Describe below five things that you observed about people (or an individual person) that you would not have noticed had you not been paying close attention.
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फ़ॉर्म में भरी गई जानकारी मिटाएं
कभी भी Google फ़ॉर्म के ज़रिए पासवर्ड सबमिट न करें.
यह सामग्री Google के ज़रिए निर्मित या समर्थित नहीं है. बुरे बर्ताव की शिकायत करें - सेवा की शर्तें - निजता नीति