Summer and Fall 2024--Social Studies Education Master of Arts Request for CUNYFirst Permissions 
Use this form to request course permissions. The program sequences are in the Graduate Bulletin:

The coordinators for graduate social studies are Profs. Aguilar and Stuckart:
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I understand that I must  check my Lehman email frequently for important information and updates from the School of Education. *
I have read my program advisement sheet. *
Last Name *
First Name *
Your Lehman College Email Address *
Your Personal Email Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Will you allow text messages? *
Occasionally the professor may want to reach you with urgent information or requests.
EMPL ID (8 Digit Number) *
Request for Course Permissions on CUNYfirst
Indicate the semester you are requesting permissions. *
List the courses that you are seeking CUNYfirst permissions.
Make sure that you include course and section numbers. For example, ESC 501, Section H-01.
Did you remember to include the section numbers in your requests above? *
This will save you time and expedite your requests.
The mission of our program is to serve the Bronx Community, and at the same time, provide a diverse student teaching experience for our candidates. Therefore, you acknowledge that if you qualify for student teaching, you will serve in one of our partner schools. The student teaching experience runs for about 14 weeks following the daily school schedule. *
Other options may be available for those engaging in the internship teaching or already working in an area school.
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