Nendonesia Goes to AFAID 2013: Confirmation for Booth Donation
Thank you for your donation, Nendonesian.
Please help us to sort your donation by confirming some of your personal details here.

- Your personal details will be used solely for confirmation purpose.
- In case of booth cancellation, you will still get the Donation Rewards.
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Your Name / Nama Anda *
You can fill in your nickname if you do not want your name to be exposed
Email Address / Alamat Email *
Shipping Address / Alamat Pengiriman *
It will be used to ship the Donation Rewards (T-Shirt, Scissor Bag, The Wandering Fay 2 Photobook)
Donation Payment Method / Jenis Pembayaran Donasi *
Bank Name / Nama Bank *
Account Owner's Name / Nama Pemilik Rekening *
If you transfer your donation in cash, fill this field with your FULL NAME
Account No. / Nomor Rekening *
If you transfer your donation via PayPal or in cash, then fill in this field with "0" (zero).
Amount of Donation / Jumlah Donasi Anda *
e.g: IDR 100.000, USD 10, SGD 14, etc.
Notes / Catatan *
Let us know which Donation Package(s) you are getting here. If you have something to tell us regarding your donation, feel free to leave us a note here.
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