WDCV Alumni Survey
Please fill out the fields below with any information/stories/ideas you have about WDCV and college radio in general.  We really appreciate you taking the time to do this.  WDCV will be a stronger organization by knowing more about our history and the alums that have helped to get us here!  

Have anything else you want tell us/send us?  Email us at wdcvfm@gmail.com.  Thanks a bunch!!!
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Graduation Year
What was the name of your radio show and what time slot did it air?
What was your involvement with WDCV?
When did you start djing?...Were you on the Exec Board?...Were you a Sports Broadcaster? etc.
Do you have any stories, memories or secrets related to WDCV that you would like to share with us?
Where was the station located when you went to Dickinson?
It is currently by the dance studio in the lower level of the hub.
Who was the WDCV advisor at that time?
Some Colleges have sold their broadcast licenses in recent years.  We are grateful Dickinson still supports us and cares about College Radio.  Do you think college radio is still important?  Tell us why!
Are there other people we should contact?
Please list name and year graduated.  If you don't want to provide an email, please feel free to have them contact us at wdcvfm@gmail.com
Do you have any WDCV memorabilia hidden away that you might want to share with us?  Please tell us what you think you may have and we will find a way to get a copy to us.
Any parting thoughts?
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