Exit survey -- Sunk costs kata
This is an anonymous survey, and we’re really trying to learn how to do this, so please be honest!
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Your learning
Do you expect to notice sunk costs more often, as a result of the workshop?
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Do you expect to **act differently** around sunk costs more often, as a result of the workshop?
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Do you expect to **act differently** around sunk costs more often, as a result of the workshop?
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Which of the activities seemed useful?
Check everything that *did* seem useful -- feel free to check all activities, or none of them.
Your experience of the workshop
Did you enjoy the powerpoint?
Please enter a number between 0 (if you hated it) and 10 (if you loved it)
Did you enjoy the exercises?
Please enter a number between 0 (if you hated it) and 10 (if you loved it)
Did you enjoy the transfer step, or any discussion of personal examples?
Please enter a number between 0 (if you hated it) and 10 (if you loved it)
Add any other comments here (optional)
Future actions
Do you expect to fill out any of the "sunk costs" journal forms?
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If we have similar workshops in the future, would you come?
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Would you recommend this workshop to your friends?
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Add any other comments here (optional)
Your background
Before the workshop, did you know what the sunk costs fallacy was?
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How much contact have you had with Less Wrong / rationality literature?
Check all that apply
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