Moodle Hack/Doc Fest, Winter 2013 at Reed College
Moodle Hack/Doc Fest for Winter 2013 will be held Tuesday, January 8 through Thursday, January 10, 2012 at Reed College in Portland, Ore.. There will be a Documentation/Code Sprint the day before Hack/Doc begins on Monday, January 7.

This will be CLAMP’s 11th Moodle Hack/Doc Fest. More information can be found on the Hack/Doc home page (

Virtual Attendance: In addition to the conventional Hack/Doc Fest, we’re planning on coordinating a virtual component to Hack/Doc Fest that will allow people to participate from their own campuses on a limited basis.

Note: There is no registration fee for Hack/Doc Fest. That said, this is a "pay your own way" event; attendees will be responsible for their own lodging, transportation and food. Reed College will provide a light breakfast and lunch each day of the event.
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About You
Name *
Institution *
Email Address *
Cell Phone Number
Work Phone Number
Are you planning to participate more in writing code or testing and documenting? *
How will you be attending? *
Can we share your travel/contact information with other Hack/Doc attendees to coordinate travel plans?
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How will you be traveling?   *
If flying, what is your arrival date and time?
Optional. We will use this information to try to help attendees coordinate ground transportation
Arrival Airline and Flight #
If flying, what is your departure date and time?
Departure Airline and Flight #
If flying, will you be renting a car?
Optional.  We will use this information to try to help attendees coordinate ground transportation
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If you're not renting a car, will you need a ride?
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How likely are you to attend a small group dinner if one were to be arranged?
Rather than have one large group dinner, we will be having several small group dinners on the same night.
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Do you have any special food requirements or allergies?
What housing option will you use? *
Note: You are responsible for arranging your own lodging; we're collecting this information so we know who's staying where. Information about hotel reservations can be found on the Hack/Doc Winter 2013 home page.
Comments or Questions
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