Comenius Project "Eco-responsible? Yes, we can!" (meeting in Botosani)
Questionnaire about students' willingness to participate in the project, and for reflection on their role in the process.
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1. How concerned are you about the environment? *
Place yourself in the scale
Not at all
2. How eco-responsible are you? *
Place yourself in the scale
Not at all
3. How involved are you in environmental projects in your country? *
Place yourself in the scale
Not at all
4. How prepared are you to take action in your school/community? *
Place yourself in the scale
Not at all
5. How motivated are you to participate in this project? *
Place yourself in the scale
Not at all
6. What do you expect from this project? *
Write a short answer
7. What have you done to prepare your visit to Botosani? *
Write a short answer
8. What do you want to learn from this international meeting? *
Write a short answer
9. What can you do to contribute to the success of this meeting? *
Write a short answer
10. What do you think you should be asked to do after the meeting? *
Write a short answer
11. Where are you from? *
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