Exhibitors Registration Page - NW Show
In order to register for the NW Show as an exhibitor, you must complete and submit this form.
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Representative #1 *
Format: First Name, Last Name, Title
Representative #2
Format: First Name, Last Name, Title
Representative #3
Format: First Name, Last Name, Title
Representative #4
Format: First Name, Last Name, Title
Representative #5
Format: First Name, Last Name, Title
Email *
Your preferred contact email.
Company *
Company as you want it to appear in the show directory.
Country *
Company location
Work Phone *
Your work phone number.
NW Show - Booth Number *
Your confirmed booth number.
Company Profile *
If you want to keep the same profile from March 2013, please indicate in box below. Otherwise, limit new profile to 100 words or less.
By submitting this form, you agree to the above "Terms and Conditions". *
Terms and Conditions: Exhibitors
American Events, Inc. has established the following polices and regulations for the NW and NE and SoCal Apparel and Footwear Materials Shows
Booth Package for a typical 10 X 10 or 9 X 7 booth:
Exhibitor package includes: 8' drapery along back of booth, 3' high drapery on both sides;7x44 sign stating Company name; one 6' draped table, four chairs, one wastebasket, and booth carpet. Decorator Packet will be sent upon confirmation of your application.

NW AFM-Booth prices:

Booth size Booth Price
10 X 10 regular $1,950.00
10 X 10 corner $2,050.00
10 X 20 regular $3,900.00
10 X 20 corner + regular $4,100.00
10 X 20 corners (1/2 Island) $4,000.00
20 X 20 Island (square) $7,800.00

NE AFM-Booth prices:

Booth size Booth Price
9X7 Regular-NE $1,525.00
9X7 Corner-NE $1,625.00

SoCal AFM-Booth Prices:

10 X 10 regular-SoCal $1850.00
10 X 10 Corner-SoCal $1950.00

Booth fee is fully refundable for up to 5 business days after booth confirmation to vendor from American Events, Inc. No refunds after the five business days of said policy.

HOTEL RESERVATION: Please see Accommodation link.

BOOTH ASSIGNMENT: Booths are assigned on first come first served basis. All exhibitors who participated in the past show (s) have the first right to pick the same booth location as previously assigned. Their booth space (s) is held for 5 business days after open registration begins. Full payment must be received with a complete online application. Show management has the right to adjust floor plan and move exhibitors as deemed necessary.

SHIPPING AND HANDLING: All participating vendors are responsible for their own shipping costs. Exhibitors may choose their own corporate shipper; or use our show decorator below to facilitate arrival of their samples and or specialty booths, or other products. American Events, Inc. is NOT responsible for shipping charges or any other costs or delays associated with said transactions.

Electrical, Internet or Phone Services: Please contact Doubletree by Hilton Boston North Shore or the Oregon Convention Center.

Services available: Facility services including audio visual, lighting and electrical and other utilities, telephone, internet connections, WI-FI, booth cleaning and porter service, which may be ordered by speaking to a department representative,

The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damage and claims arising out of Exhibitor’s activities at the convention center in the exhibit hall premises, will indemnify and defend and hold harmless the convention center, its agents, servants and employees from any and all such losses, damages and claims.

If violations of any of these rules or by the existence of any condition not known to American Classic Events, Inc. (ACE, Inc.) occurs, ACE, Inc. reserves the right of canceling or closing booth(s) space assigned with no legal or financial liability whatsoever to be incurred by ACE, Inc.

No entertainment will be permitted that will disrupt the normal course of doing business at the show.
Written approval of ACE, Inc. must be obtained prior to the distribution of all publications, advertising materials, signs, etc.

Please no balloons with helium.

All vendors are required to comply with Fire Marshal and show regulations with regard to booth setup. To be fair to your neighboring booths, all chairs must NOT block isles, and sidewalls for single and double booths should not exceed 8' in height and 4' out from back of booth, and 3' high and 6' deep from main isles. For visual clarification, please contact us Info@americanclassicevents.com

Please treat all attendees with common courtesy and respect. No high pressure sales.

The directories for the shows will be as accurate as possible. Ace, Inc. will not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Very important: All vendors are required to exhibit for the duration of the show. All Exhibitors must not tear down before 4:00pm on Last day of the show. Violators of this rule will be penalized the amount of $1,000 and or will not be invited to future shows.

SoCal Show:

Setup and move-in hours:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015
9:00p.m - 4:00p.m

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
7:00a.m. - 9:00a.m.

Exhibition hours:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

NE Show:

Setup and move-in hours:

Monday, March 2, 2015
4:00p.m - 8:00p.m

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
7:00a.m. - 9:00a.m.

Exhibition hours:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

NW Show:

Setup and move-in hours:

Monday, March 9, 2015
4:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
7:00a.m. - 9:00a.m.

Exhibition hours:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m

Wednesday, March 11, 2015
9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Thank you!
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