Queso Diego February Meeting RSVP
The February Queso Diego meeting will focus on Scandinavian/Nordic cheeses from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, and Iceland.  Malcolm Jarvis will be leading the discussion on these cheese styles.  We welcome attendees to bring cheeses, foods, and drinks from this geographic region.  

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, February 19 at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com).  Map of parking and the meeting location: http://bit.ly/RtI8rX.

Please fill out this form to RSVP for the February Queso Diego Meeting.  

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Name *
Full Name
Email Address *
Email address as it appears on the Queso Diego email list.
Are you able to attend the February meeting on 2/19? *
Number of guests attending with you, if any?
Please only include guests who will not RSVP separately.  
Do you have homemade cheese to share?
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Are any of your cheeses of Scandinavian origin?
e.g. Danish Blue, Gjetost, Havarti, etc.  Include style in comments below.  
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Other comments
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