Women in Fellowship and Encouragement  "Friends in Faith" Profile Sheet
Ladies, please take a moment to complete this Women in Fellowship and Encouragement "Friends in Faith" Profile Sheet.  The information will be very helpful in creating a record for the our Ministry, advising you of current activities, signing up to work with specific ministries and conference and other general' information regarding the ministry.  Even if you have completed the same information before, it is essential to complete it electronically for the 2013 -14 administrative Ministry year .  

We look forward to your participation and we are sure that you will be inspired and will thoroughly enjoy what Women in Fellowship and encouragement has in store!

W.I.F.E. is designed to passionately reflect upon and declare the gospel of Jesus Christ through biblical fellowship and accountability. W.I.F.E. provides a functional platform for Women to minister to and mentor one another, through their life stories and the Word of God. W.I.F.E. functions under the premise of being an instrument that Encounters, Encourages and Empowers women and families in our community.

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This is NOT an RSVP FORM for our events. DO NOT LEAVE your response for attendance here!

This sheet is designed to gather basic information from the women who are active participants at our twice per monthly small groups or monthly activities.
How have you been participating with Women in Fellowship and Encouragement *
Tell us how you most benefit from W.I.F.E. based on your participation
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Month & Day only
Age Range
Personal Email
Work Email
Home Phone
Mobile Phone Number
Can we also send you a text messages?( for quick dissemination of information we often text) *
 When you 601-568-1169 it's W.I.F.E. texting you! Add us to your contacts please.
Preferred Contact Method
Check all that apply
Who, or under what circumstances were you introduced to be in the W.I.F.E Community? *
CHURCH AFFILIATION Q& A 1 : What local ministry are you affiliated with? *
Name your church. If you're not currently a member , that's fine with us ...just say "none" & state how long you've not been at any given fellowship.
CHURCH AFFILIATION Q & A 2 -What local ministry did  you last affiliate with?  ( ONLY ANSWER HERE IF YOU ARE not currently a MEMBER of a local church
Name the last church you were last affiliated with.
CHURCH AFFILIATION  Q & A 3, Based on your answer to  Q & A 1- above-    ARE YOU INVOLVED/SERVE in ministry? *
For this answer, we are more INTERESTED in your activity in ministry and NOT a TITLE. For example, Tell us that you serve in the children's ministry, our outreach, pastoral care, teaching bible study etc.
As the ministry grows, we are looking for COMMITTEE members who will run with the vision and mission. Your Gift(s) - WIFE5 Ministries *
Please indicate which of the Wife5 Ministry COMMITTEES you'd desire to serve on?
Shirt Size  ( Keep in mind these are women cut design-so you may need a size up from your regular size)
The Ministry is in the process of a shirt design for all women of W.I.F.E.  Having your shirt size now will enable us to secure the number of shirts needed according to size prior to placing the order.
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The Benefits to Community
In the ministry year 2013-2014 Women in fellowship and Encouragement will offer partnership opportunities. In every community, those who are vested whether it be through financial or human resources, that community thrives and is sustained by the collective investors.

For a community to be preserved, it needs like minded participants to OWN the mission and ACTIVELY PARTICPATE in articulating that mission.  The developing Board of Women in Fellowhsip and Encouragement is seeking to build a community that enjoys the benefits of encouragement, engagement, empowerment and equipping now and preserves those same benefits for future generations.

Visit the BECOME A PARTNER tab on our ministry site for further details.
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