CS 251 Interpreter Survey
Please answer the following questions. I will use your responses to the questions below to assemble teams for the interpreter project. You can work in teams of two or three students. I don't see this project as a "pair programming" project in the strict sense, where everyone needs to be present and contributing to all portions of each assignment. I do expect all team members to be present and actively contributing for a substantial portion of the code. If there are n members on your team, I certainly would expect that at a bare minimum, everyone has been present and contributing for at least a fraction of the code of size 1/n. That said, I'd highly advise that you do some of the work collaboratively in pairs or subsets so that people know more about what's going on.
I will be asking in confidential peer evaluations at the end as to how things went, and if partners contributed their fair share.
If you want to do this project entirely on your own, I would highly recommend against it, but I will not stop you. You'll still be held to the same expectations that larger teams are held to, which means that you'll likely be putting more time in than they each will individually. If I get really swamped in helping people out with challenges they face, I'll prioritize helping those working on teams first.
I will do my best to meet your preferences, but you should know that you may collectively respond with mutually incompatible preferences!
I will keep all of your responses 100% confidential.