YESplus Application
You are filling this out if you are interested in applying to the next YESplus course. The next YESplus course dates can be found on the home page of our website at

YESplus is offered in two formats:

(1) As a weekly 1-unit course offered through the Stanford Medical School, known as MED 130 (In this option, you must also attend 3 out of the 4 days of condensed, non-credit workshop listed below), available to register on Axess.

(2) As a four day, condensed, non-credit workshop - held on campus, usually offered once a quarter.

We realize as Stanford students, you have to fill out a lot of applications in order to get into classes. And we totally feel you. We wanted to make this process as least painful and meaningful to you as possible. It shouldn't take too long and hopefully you find it rewarding.

Feel free to email with any questions at

YESplus team

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name (first last) *
Stanford Email: *
Program/Year *
Which YESplus format are you registering for? *
If it's the 4-day format, which dates are you applying for?
Part 1
These are questions about you. No need to write a novel. Don't worry about what you think we want to hear. Just speak honestly.
What's been one of your greatest personal challenges? *
~10 - 20 sentences.
How would you like to improve this area of your life? *
~10 - 20 sentences.
What would you dare to do if you knew you could not fail? In other words, what is your deepest dream? *
~10 - 20 sentences.
Part II

Do a random act of kindness for someone in your life or a complete stranger. It can be as small or as big as you want. Do it. Snap a picture of it.

Here's how you can make your act super awesome and earn bonus points on your app:

1. Make it anonymous. In other words, the recipient doesn't know who showed him/her kindness. (+1 bonus point)

2. Ask him/her to pay it forward. In some creative way, let the person know you would like them to pay the kindness forward to another person. (+ 1 bonus point)

3. Share what you did - that way you inspire others. Best way is to share it on your own Facebook wall. (+ 1 bonus point)

Describe your random act of kindness *
How did it make you feel? *
Link to photograph *
dropbox is a good option, or anything that would let us grab it
What it an anonymous act of kindness?
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Did you ask him/her to pay it forward?
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Did you share it on Facebook?
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If yes, please provide the link to your share:
Can we share this on Facebook, Twitter, and/or our Blog?
This will not affect your chances for admission.
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