Volunteer For You - 'V4U' Registration Form 2012                                                

Thank you for wanting to help our local community! Please fill out this short registration to make sure you're involved with the biggest Student Leadership event in 2012!

V4U is an exciting opportunity for Victoria University students and staff to say thank you to our community, through a broad range of community projects.

V4U will take place on Friday the 12th of October 2012, with the day starting with a free breakfast at 8.00am.

You will receive a free t-shirt, cap, lunch, certificate of participation, credit towards Student Leadership Qualifications. The day will end with a celebration & presentation of certificates to all the volunteers.
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Mr, Mrs, Miss etc
First Name *
If registering a group, please enter details of group leader
Last Name *
Student or Staff I.D. number *
If you are a student, please put the s before your number. Staff should put an e  in front e.g s5102643
Are you registering a group? if so, how many?
Number of volunteers in group
Email Address *
Contact number *
Number and street *
Home address
Suburb *
Home address
Postcode *
Home address
Which course are you enrolled in?
Please include qualification level e.g. Bachelor of, Certificate III, Diploma
Year of study
eg. 1st
Faculty or Department
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What is your t-shirt size? *
Men sizes are in S, M, L etc. Women sizes are in 8, 10 12 etc.
Do you have any special dietry needs? *
eg. Gluten free, vegan, halal
Do you have any other qualifications with VU?
eg. first aid, community service etc.
Are you a part of a Leadership group at VU?
eg. Ambassadors, Rovers, Hosts etc
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If yes, name of the Leadership group
What type of volunteering would you like to be a part of?
* If interested in working with children, volunteers will be required to gain a Working With Children (WWC) check. A WWC is free for volunteering students, and can be obtained from the post office. Please ensure you take your Victoria University student card when applying. Please check the link below for information about “How to Apply” prior to going to the Post Office.  http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/Working+With+Children/Home/Application+Process/How+to+Apply/
Working with Children card number
Required for students wanting to work with children or youth at risk projects
By pressing submit you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Victoria University Student Leadership V4U’s Volunteer Agreement
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