Nominations: Searching for a Former Clarity
Please fill in the comment number, first name, and last initial of the writers whose work you're nominating, then explain why you chose them! Writers who earn four nominations in a given thread earn 10% extra credit for their post. Please respect the process's integrity and refrain from swapping nominations, as I reserve the right to dismiss or delete nominations I believe to be suspect. On behalf of whoever you're nominating, thanks for your participation!
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Your First Name, Last Name, and Period Number *
Example: Sheldon McKinley, Period 1
Nomination #1: Comment Number, First Name, Last Initial *
Example: #10 Emily L.
Nomination #1: Explanation *
Example: It's hard to put down in words what you don't like about yourself; what you wish you could change about yourself. I find this especially true when the piece of writing also has your name attached to it. I applaud Emily's bravery in showing to the entire class her tendency to be possessive of her friends, and what ultimately results from this is a post that is 100% true to herself.
Nomination #2: Comment Number, First Name, Last Initial *
Example: #11 Michael C.
Nomination #2: Explanation *
Example: This nomination is not [only] based upon the awesomeness of the post, but for the single statement that "Online interaction will never be the same as the memories people create in person." This is something I also realized to be extremely accurate recently. It's also something I never thought was important up until today.
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