Weekly Coaching Sign-Up Form
SC2Coaching events occur every Wednesday night at 8pm EST.

Players accepted will be decided by the amount of coaches available on any given night. Maximum three (3) players per coach. We do this to give everyone equal opportunity at playing and getting a quality sc2coaching experience. At this point there are quite a few coaches involved, so don't hesitate to sign up because plenty of spots will be available!

ONLY SIGN UP ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT. EARLY SIGN-UPS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This is to avoid players signing up and not showing up for the event, otherwise the limited slots will be put to waste.

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StarCraft 2 Account Name *
Example: MoiraineTV.127
Race *
League *
Do you have Mumble? *
Players without Mumble AND a microphone can not participate in sc2coaching events.
Reddit Account Name
Who were you referred by?
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