EAA 602 volunteers for Kline Kill Young Eagles Event on May 19th (10am)
Joel Glickman has been working with Chapter 146 based at the Kline Kill airport (NY1) to help organize a Young Eagles rally on May 19th, beginning at 10am.  The rally happens to coincide with the grand opening of a summer camp near the airport run by the STRIDE organization, an amazing Albany-based non-profit that provides adaptive sports activities for disabled children and wounded warrior veterans.  The 146 group will administer the flyin and handle all the paperwork, but they only have a few Young Eagles pilots and really need our help to make this a success!  Please consider helping our neighboring chapter and volunteer your time and aircraft on May 19th and fly some Young Eagles at Kline Kill.  The number of Young Eagles you fly on that date will be credited towards your total count and the 602 chapter count.  Joel has already volunteered, but he and the 146 Chapter needs more pilots to get these kids in the air.  It won't happen without our help. Please take a moment now to check your calendar and let Joel know if you can set aside some time for this very worthy Young Eagles day.
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Thank you!
Joel Glickman
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