Fall 2011 HCI Class Skills Survey
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Name: *
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student? *
What program are you in? *
(CS, ISyE, Psychology, Learning Sciences, etc.)
Which year are you? *
(Freshman = 1; 1st year grad student = 1)
Have you ever taken a computer science class? *
(Computer science, information science, etc.)
How would you rank your general programming, prototyping, implementation skills? *
Disregard specific programming languages.
No Experience
Highly Experienced
Have you ever taken a behavioral sciences class? *
(Psychology, communication studies, etc.)
How would you rank your empirical research skills? *
(Experimental design, statistics, etc.)
No Experience
Highly Experienced
Have you ever taken an HCI class? *
Would you be interested in being a team leader? *
Which one of the models you would be most interested in for choosing a project topic? *
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