In the Margins Committee Application
This is a committee formed under the umbrella of the Library Services for Youth in Custody group (

What is it?
In the Margins is a committee under the umbrella of the Library Services for Youth in Custody group.
To seek out and highlight fiction, non-fiction and advocacy titles  (PreK through adult level) of high-interest appeal to boys or girls, ages 9-21 who may fit into one or all of the following categories:
multicultural (primarily African American, Latino or First Nations)
from a street culture
in restrictive custody
reluctant readers
What do we do?
In the Margins strives to find the best books for teens living in poverty, on the streets, in custody - or a cycle of all three!

Committee membership and requirements:
11 member committee (including Chair and Administrative Assistant)
Two to three year commitment, Timeline begins Jan 2017
research, request and nominate titles, with an emphasis on ones that are self-published, independently published or published by small presses
read for special content for detention facilities
read all nominated titles
work with or do outreach to youth in custody and/or from street culture and get feedback from at least 3-10 teens on each title
actively participate in email and wiki discussions
meet all posted deadlines
meet 6 times a year via video conferencing
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Your Full Name *
Please provide your first and last name
Your job title *
Your email address *
Your employer (library, school, facility, etc) *
Please provide the name of the facility you serve (if different from your employer) *
Do you currently serve incarcerated youth? *
Defined as youth, age 8-21, who have been detained or otherwise reside in a correctional, detention, or halfway house facility.
What size population do you reach with your services? *
please provide the average monthly population for the facility you serve
Why are you interested in serving on this committee? *
Please list any books that you would like to review that would be of interest to this population, or which are otherwise unusual or not well known. *
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