2012 Cybils Volunteer Application

Do you read a ton of children's or YA books? Do you then think critically and blog about what you read? Are you willing to devote your life, sacrifice, and add additional crazy to the holiday season? If you've answered yes to all of the above, then we'd love to have you on board for the 2012 Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards. Fill out the form, and we'll see if we can find a spot for you.
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Last Name *
First Name *
State or Country *
Volunteers living outside North America will be accepted on a case by case basis, primarily (but not limited to) round 2. Out of US panelists need to understand that they will have to acquire many of the books on their own.
Name of Blog *
URL of Blog *
First Choice *
URL of blog post related to your First Choice category *
Share with us a post you've written that shows your knowledge of your first choice category.
ANOTHER URL of blog post related to your First Choice category *
Show off your expertise, please!
Second Choice *
URL of blog post related to your Second Choice category *
Share with us a post you've written that shows your knowledge of your second choice category. If you only want to be on your first choice committee, share another example relevant to that.
Third Choice *
URL of blog post related to your Third Choice category *
Share with us a post you've written that shows your knowledge of your third choice category. If you only want to be on your 1st or 2nd choice, share another example relevant to that.
Which round would you prefer? *
Deliberations for the first round usually coincide with the holidays. Do not choose first round if you aren't able to be flexible during that time.
Do any of the following descriptions apply to you?
If you've served on the Cybils before, please indicate which years you participated.
Please provide any additional information about your kidlit-related activities that you think we might like to know--if you review for SLJ, for example, or volunteer for a literacy group. Stuff like that.
PLEASE let us know if there are any possible conflicts of interest which would affect your ability to serve on a Cybils panel--if you've written a book which might be nominated, or have accepted money from an author or publisher, for example.
If you have any connection to any book published for youth in the last year, we want to know about it. It won't necessarily eliminate you, but we need to know so that we can decide how to handle it. If you aren't sure if something is a conflict of interest, please tell us anyway so that we may determine the impact.
Why do you want to be a Cybils panelist? *
Organizers will bless you for your brevity.
Have you applied before, and not been chosen? *
Having been or not been selected in the past does not effect your chances of being selected now or in the future. Ultimately, your blog must speak for itself, and fullfill the needs of the committee.
What's your email address? *
What's your Twitter handle?
Are you 18 or over? *
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