Going There
First, thanks so much for your willingness to share your story with readers at JumpingTandem!

The idea for "Going There" came about as a result of the 31 Days In My Brown Skin series that I wrote in October, 2012. The series generated a lot of valuable dialogue, and when the thirty-one days were over, it felt as if the conversation wasn't done. So, I invite you to share your story as it relates to issues of race, ethnicity, and culture in your every day life.

The goal of "Going There" is to encourage ongoing dialogue about topics of race, ethnicity, and culture in a way that is thoughtful and that shows respect, with the goal of advancing our understanding of the beautiful diversity in the humanity that surrounds us.

Simply share your post in the space below. Include a bio and a headshot. If you prefer to remain anonymous, that's perfectly fine, but be sure to type "Anonymous" in the "Your Name" field below. If you could keep your post somewhere around 600 words, that would be fabulous.
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