Get on the Bus! Public Meeting to stop sprawl in Juan de Fuca forestlands
The fight to save the Juan de Fuca region from a sprawling mega development is heading to public hearing. The rezoning application for the 260 vacation home Marine Trail Resort was pushed through first and second reading by a subcommittee of the Capital Regional District board. Now it is up to us to show up and demand that this poorly planned development never passes third reading.
Muir Creek Protection Society and local residents are organizing a bbq and a rally. So come support them, and have your voice heard

Date: Tuesday Sept 6
Pick up stops: at UVIC and downtown, possible stop at Western Exchange (please state your preference)
Time: Pick up at :300, Rally at 4:00, Hearing 5 pm - 10 pm
Locaiton: Edward Milne School Theatre, 6218 West Coast Road.

 Hearing will continue Sept 7 at 5 pm.
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