Election Ballot for Position on the PGA of BC Board of Directors
<b>One (1)</b> Board position will be available on the PGA of BC Board of Directors. The position is eligible for a two-year term.

The following are biographical information about the nine candidates and statements submitted by them. Please read the material, fill out the required information and complete your ballot in the section below. Voter Confidentiality will be strictly maintained.

<b>ALL</b> PGA of BC membership categories (including Candidate for Memberships) may vote for this position. Members may not cast more than one (1) vote.

Voting Closes at 12:00pm on Tuesday January 28, 2014.

Nominated Candidates in Alphabetical order:

<i>Head Professional, Black Mountain Golf Club</i>
The PGA of BC has some great, positive momentum that I would love to be a part of. I plan on being a member of the association for a long time, and would be honored to have a voice in both the short term and long term strategy and direction. I have ideas as to how we can better educate and market our membership. These ideas would not be hard to implement, and would lead to more jobs and higher salaries for PGA of BC Professionals. The long term strength of our association requires a significant number of talented, educated, and passionate professionals. It is my opinion that we need to increase the number of positions that we are qualified for, and that would be my main focus to accomplish as a member of the PGA of BC Board of Directors.

My career in the golf industry has not been typical. I turned professional at the age of 25 in 2006 after playing competitive baseball for many years, including varsity baseball for Wilfrid Laurier University where I earned a business degree. Baseball is what delayed my love of golf, which didn’t truly develop until my early 20’s. This is one reason why I would be a great addition to the Board of Directors, as I feel I would bring a different perspective to the discussions due to my dissimilar background. I am entering only my 9th season as a golf professional, and because of this I can represent the voice of the many younger professionals who struggle to find their way in this difficult but rewarding industry. Also, with my current position as Commissioner of the Interior PGA Tour, I have an open line of communication to a large number of golf professionals in the province. This will greatly assist in collecting opinions, questions and suggestions from fellow PGA of BC members regarding the direction and strategy of their association. There is no question that communication between members is crucial for the long term success of the PGA of BC and Canada.

It would be a privilege to sit on the PGA of BC Board of Directors. Thank you for considering me for the position.


<i>Head Professional, Bowen Island Golf Club</i>
Since becoming a professional in 2006 I have always looked for ways to give back to the sport, industry, and association that has given me so much. I have served on the committee of the Srixon PGA of BC Tour for the past 8 years, serving a 2 year term as Commissioner, volunteered at the PGA of BC Learning Center at the Golf and Travel Show, and attended/participated in numerous PGA of BC events. I have also served on the PGA of BC Capitan's Committee for the past two years.

As a member of the PGA of BC Board of Directors, I would enjoy the opportunity to work with and be inspired by some of the great leaders and visionaries within the PGA of BC. The industry and the role of a PGA of BC Professional is evolving and I would like to be a part of the shaping the future of the Golf Professional as well as Golf in British Columbia, ensuring that the role of the Club Professional remains a pivotal and important part of a successful golf operation.

I feel that I can bring a lot of energy and potentially some new ideas to the Board of Directors of the PGA of BC and help shape the future of our Association."


<i>Head Professional, Olympic View Golf Club</i>
I have been a PGA of BC member for the past 10 years.  I worked as an Apprentice Professional under Randy Frank (Olympic View Golf Club), Adam Blair (Salmon Arm Golf Club), and Bill Kelly (Glacier Greens).  Now I work as the Head Professional at Olympic View Golf Club.

During my time in the PGA of BC, I have supported many events such as buying shows, golf events, education seminars, and AGMs.  I have personally nominated fellow professionals for awards, supported those vendors that support our association when possible, and represented our province on 3 occasions in national events.   I believe pride in our brand is important because it adds credibility to young Apprentices that will join and succeed us as leaders in our industry.

Professionally I feel that I am now in a position where I can be useful to the team by brining a willingness to learn about, and be a part of shaping the direction of the board over the next two years.  It is my intention to be a part of the team for an extended time frame.  I would bring forward, support and critique ideas whenever possible.  My focus for a position on the board would be the recruiting and retention of young professionals.  It is vital to the success of our businesses and growth of our Association.  


<i>Head Professional, Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club</i>
I have spoken with my Club President and my General Manager / COO, and both have supported my decision to run for the position.  They realize that this is a personal goal of mine.

Throughout my time as a Member of the PGA of BC, I have taken the opportunity to become an active member of our association.  Immediately, upon my arrival in BC, I put my name forward, and was selected to be part of the Education & Events Committee, a committee that I just notified on January 9, 2014 that I would like to remain an active part of.

I have continuously played in 3 to 4 our major PGA of BC events on a yearly basis, and represented the PGA of BC at the National Club Professional Championship.

Attending our association’s trade shows and seminars is something that I am a big supporter of, and make sure to enlist the importance for my staff and other PGA of BC members to do so.

Giving back to the association and its members has always been a tradition that I and Shaughnessy G&CC believe in.  Having the opportunity to host the PGA of BC Club Professional Championship in September / October 2013 was a great honor, and shows the support that my members have for PGA Professionals throughout the Province, and the association itself.

In October 2013, I was awarded “Member of the Year” by our association.  This was another highlight of my career, and I would like to build on it, and thank the members and current Board of Directors by lending my knowledge to the Board.  

I think that I would be able to contribute lots to the Board of Directors.  Having had the opportunity to be a member of the PGA of Quebec, PGA of America, PGA of Ontario, PGA of Alberta, and now PGA of BC, I think that I bring a very well rounded and realistic vision / expectation of what an association should do for its members and the community.

I would use my networks and contacts that I have made throughout my career, and current networks that I am a part of, in order to provide relevant information and stats to the Board of Directors, which will benefit the members in the long run.

It has always been a goal of mine to BE INVOLVED.  I truly hope that I am given the opportunity to serve, and make contributions to the association and industry that has given me so much.  It would be an honor to join such a great group of individuals, and be part of a team, serving the members in order to continue to steer the PGA of BC in the right direction.


<i>Teaching Professional, Olympic View Golf Club</i>
Jeff Palmer is a 20 year PGA of Canada Professional who has held numerous leadership positions in the golf industry all over the world.  Jeff opened the Shanghai Links Golf and Country Club , a Jack Nicklaus Signature design, in Shanghai, China in 1998.  More notably Jeff worked for Intrawest Golf and opened Canada’s first Raven branded golf course in Thornbury, Ontario in 2006.  In 2007 Jeff worked closely with the Westin Trillium House at Blue Mountain Resort as well as the Town of Blue Mountains to bring the 2007 World Telus Skins Game to the Raven at Lora Bay.  In 2008 and 2009, under Mr. Palmer’s leadership, the Raven at Lora Bay also hosted the Nationwide Tour’s Ford Wayne Gretzky Classic.  In 2010 Jeff returned to China as the Director of Golf at the Sheshan International Golf Club and hosted the 2010 and 2011 WGC-HSBC Champions Tournament where the top 50 ranked players in the world competed for over 7 million dollars in prize money.  In 2012 Jeff returned home to Victoria to raise his son and is currently the owner of Palmer Golf Solutions LTD and the Director of Instruction at the GBC Academy at Olympic View.  Jeff was nominated in 2013 for PGA of BC Teacher of the Year and Junior Leader of the Year.

Jeff is passionate about taking on new challenges and sees a position on the PGA Board of Directors as a great opportunity to contribute more to a great organization.  Mr. Palmer believes strongly in professional development as well as growth initiatives of the game such as Golf In Schools programming.  He currently serves on the Long Term Plannin Committee for the PGA of BC.


<i>Class "A" Professional, Bear Mountain Golf Resort</i>
Class A member of the PGA of Canada
Academy Director at Bear Mountain Resort
Owner of Randle Golf
Founder of VI Golf Institute
TPI Certified
Trackman Certified
Plane Truth Certified
K-Vest Certified
GolfPsych Certified

I believe PGA of BC professionals should be regarded as experts in all parts of the golf business.  While my chosen area of expertise is in coaching and running academies, I also have a strong background in helping to shape golf experiences for members and daily fee players.  Having served on the Board 2 years ago, my interest in running again is driven by my belief we can develop the skills and credibility of our members.  In doing so, members will become more proud of their affiliation with the PGA of Canada, more sought after by golf facilities and students, earn better livings and live more balanced lives.  I really enjoyed my time and the Board and hope to get the opportunity again.


<b>RODEN, TARA</b>
<i>Teaching Professional, Gallagher's Canyon Golf & Country Club</i>
Why do you want to run for this position?
The past two years has been a very rewarding and exceptional experience for me as a board member for the PGA of BC. I want to bring a positive and enthusiastic perspective to the table and continue the momentum of strengthening our association in 2014 and beyond.

I am also keen to bring to the table a women’s event with an educational, social and playing component for better networking and active engagement of our women professionals.

My experience with the PGA of BC Board has ignited my dedication to become a more active part of the golf industry and to better understand the needs of the association and our membership.

What do you hope to accomplish as a member of the PGA of BC Board of Directors?
I believe with better membership input and engagement, educational seminars, events and on line learning, we can build a better future in the golf industry.

In the past two years, I have taken an active role in the development of our PDP system and the education seminars. I am grateful to be involved in these positive initiatives and receive the tremendous feedback and response from our members.

During these challenging times in our industry, it is important to have proactive leadership to create better opportunities for our membership to thrive. There is much to do and there always will be.

An open line of communication, continuing education and stronger membership engagement are my main priorities and objectives.

We are all “collectively” the association and I hope to bring positive energy, attitude, proactive leadership and an open communication with our membership to strengthen our association and membership opportunities.


<i>Class "A" Professional, Fairwinds Golf Club</i>
As a dedicated PGA of Canada member, and an advocate for the great game of golf, I would like to put my name forward to be considered for the vacant PGA of BC Board of Directors position.

I have been a PGA member since 2001, and in that time have seen many changes within our provincial organization, and at this point in my career and life, would relish the opportunity to be a part of the crew that steers the ship for our organization going forward. I believe I can bring an educated, insightful, creative, and encouraging voice to the board that could help to continue to grow the strength of our organization, help to enact change, and to cultivate a positive environment for decision making and achieving results.

I began working at University Golf Club in Vancouver in the summer of 1993, which was really my official introduction to the game of golf, as I didn’t play as a kid. I absolutely loved it! I worked that first summer under Head Professional Giles Dufort, and subsequent seasons through 1997 under Head Professionals Michael Mather and then Vaughn Marshal. Each of these individuals provided me with a unique and positive insight into the business of golf as I worked throughout the facility, from the driving range to starter/marshalling, to the Proshop, and finally to the greens crew as I worked summers to help put me through university. When I graduated from the University of Victoria in the spring of 1998 I went to work in the then booming software industry in Vancouver at that time. I worked as a Project Manager for a mobile software technology company, Touchpoint Networks, helping to execute a pilot project with AutoNation (parent company to Alamo and National Car Rental) to implement voice recognition software components into there check-in and check-out processes, as well as integrating with an early Microsoft GPS navigation system called Odyssey. This opportunity provided me with a wealth of experience in business negotiations, planning, and project execution.

As we completed the pilot project and I returned to head office in Vancouver to continue as our Customer Service and Client Intranet Manager, I became increasingly disenchanted with the prospect of being stuck at a desk behind a wall of monitors for the rest of my professional career. This led me back to the one place I had always truly enjoyed working…University Golf Club. Michael Mather was the General Manager at that time, and Scott Cranston the Head Professional. I had worked for Michael in the past, and with Scott in the golfshop when he was an Asssistant. I explained to them both that I was looking to change gears and for an opportunity to work at something that I was truly passionate about, and as sport had always dominated the focus of my life, and my experiences as a seasonal worker at their facility were truly some of the happiest days of my young life to that point, I was interested in pursuing a career in the golf industry. I was hired as a supervisor in the Proshop in the spring of 2001, set the goal of completing my PAT that summer, which I did successfully, and then was promtply promoted to Tournament Coordinator that fall as that position became available. After two season in the roll of Tournament Coordinator I went on to become the Sales and Events Manager at UGC in the Fall of 2003, and stayed there in that roll through 2007.
In the Fall of 2007 my wife and I decided to make a move out of the Lower Mainland to Vancouver Island, a place we both fell in love with while attending school at UVIC, and place where we looked forward to raising our young kids. After a significant stint at University Golf Club to that point, I was also ready to move on from UGC and find a new place to set down roots and continue to grow my career as a PGA Professional.

After teaching the Fall Semester in the PGM Program at Camosun College for Troy Dunning, I immediately targeted Fairwinds Golf Club as my first choice on the island to continue my career as a PGA Professional due to the impeccable reputation of Head Professional Ward Stouffer. Meeting with Ward for the first time I was not disappointed, and knew right away I wanted to work for, and learn from him.

After some negotiations with Ward and the Fairwinds brass, I was brought onboard at Fairwinds in February of 2008 as the Events Manager and as a Teaching Professional, and have been here ever since in those rolls. In my time here I have also served as Manager of Fairwinds Centre, our Fitness and Recreation Facility, and am also actively invloved in our Social Media presence, working with our Marketing Department to help grow and shape our online identity.

I want to run for this position to continue to develop professionally, for the opportunity to learn from my peers, and to be involved in the PGA at a more integrated and connected level. I believe I can bring enthusiasm and dedication to this board, and hope to join in its’ efforts to strengthen and advance the golf industry in British Columbia. I have a diverse working background both within, and outside the golf industry, that I believe can be a valuable asset to our association in this role.

Please consider my application for this position in earnest as I believe I am a strong candidate, and if given the opportunity, promise to give the best of myself to be successful and supportive.


<i>Class "A" Professional, Northview Golf & Country Club</i>
Kathy is one of a select few women golf professionals in Canada to hold a Class “A” status in both the C.P.G.A. and L.P.G.A. Associations.  

Having joined the CPGA in 1993 and the LPGA in 1997 Kathy will bring unique perspective to the PGA of BC Board of Directors.      

Nominated for the BCPGA Teacher of the Year Award in 1998; Her technical expertise is complemented by exceptional interpersonal and public speaking skills, an educational background from B.C.I.T. in marketing and promotions, and extensive marketing experience in the golf and retail sectors.

Kathy is currently coaching full time at the Northview Golf Academy, represents the Titleist Regional Fitting Center as an on-site Fitter fully versed in Trackman technology, is Head Coach of the Robert Bateman High School's Golf Academy and also coaches part-time and the newly established Chilliwack Golf Academy.

Committed to lifelong learning and community support, Kathy stays on top of her “game” by attending educational seminars throughout North America and creating and participating in numerous charitable events within her community.  

Why do you choose to run for this position?
Being a member since 1993, I have been witness to the many challenges the PGA of BC and its membership have faced. Thru thick and thin, these challenges have produced change.  Change that I believe has contributed to establishing us as a unified body more than ever before; continuing to move steadily in a positive direction.

Over the past five years I have come to know more of our membership, established new networks within and developed friendships with many.  Thru these experiences, I have come to believe that more than any other time in my career, I have the tools, skill set and enthusiasm to serve as a Member of our Board.

I have seen a renewed motivation in many of our members but there is still much to be done; and I want to help!

I choose to remain positive about our Association, its future and direction.  For these reasons I wish to "formally" bring my energy and enthusiasm to the table.

So it is with this mindset I believe I am ready to step up and share my expertise and experiences in the hope of assisting our Board to continue to evolve and make the decisions necessary to ensure our future successes.  

What do you hope to accomplish as a member of the PGA of BC Board of Directors?
As a member of the PGA of BC Board of Directors, I hope to accomplish the following:
-  Develop avenues to increase Membership Participation within our Calendar of Events.  
-  Continue to enhance our Education mandate.  As such,  I will continue to participate on our "Education Committee".
-  Broaden lines of communication and opportunity with the goal of reaching out to our Female membership.
-  Investigate new ways to re-invent the unique expertise that our Membership has and introduce this to our business communities in the hope of expanding our future opportunities.  
-  Learn as much as possible about the inner workings of our Association and further define where and how I can become a positive influence within our Association and Membership.

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