FeCoV free and FIP cats Breeders Database
This database is a consumer database especially listing FeCoV free catteries and FIP affected cats pedigree. It is provided without warranty and no liability for use or misuse of the information provided is accepted. View the current database here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArqzOild5Bb7dDNfTTdsQTV4OW8xSEZpZ2FGazQ5UlE#gid=1
For more information about prevention of FIP through breeding and cattery practices or to report an error visit onecatlife.blogspot.com
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Kitten Name
this is what you call your kitty at home
Show name
this is the name kitty was given by the breeder
check all that apply
Date of FIP diagnosis
Vet contact details - name and phone number
who made the diagnosis?
Date of birth
please use ddmmyyyy
Date of Death
please use ddmmyy
FIP affected siblings
if your cat has FIP names of any affected sibling cats you own
FIP unaffected sibling(s)
if your cat has FIP names of any unaffected sibling cats you own
Cattery Name
Breeder Surname
Breeder first name
FeCoV free cattery
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street address
other comments
of a strictly factual nature eg. GCCF registered (Please no personal opinions or reccomendations)
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