Taalman/Kohn Comment Form for First Edition Books
Please use this form to report any typos, problems, or comments concerning the Taalman/Kohn first edition textbooks.
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Your name, and the name of your school (or write "anonymous") *
Which book? *
Section of the book *
Please enter numerically, for example "2.1" or "6.3".  If your comment concerns the answer to an exercise, please reference according to exercise location and not to the answer appendix.
Page of the book *
Please enter just the number, for example "42".  Once again, if your comment concerns the answer to an exercise, please reference the page of the exercise, not the page in the answer appendix.
Location on the page *
Examples: "last sentence of third paragraph" or "line 11" or "just under Therem 4.1" or "statement of Exercise 32" or "answer to Exercise 32"
Description of typo, problem, or comment *
Please describe the error or issue and suggest an appropriate correction.
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