How is Danielson Being Used at Your School?
Thanks for helping us compile testimonials about how the Danielson Framework is being used on teachers throughout the city! This form shouldn't take long to complete, and you can leave as many testimonials as you like (and we'd like to collect a lot). If you'd prefer, you can skip this form entirely and send your testimonial in an email to . Time is of the essence here, so please help us by encouraging as many of your friends as possible to share their experiences.
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What level do you teach? *
In what borough do you teach? *
Are you a member of MORE? *
(You DO NOT have to be a member of the MORE Caucus to Answer this Question. We're just kind of curious to know)
Are you interested in telling us the name of your school?
No worries!! If you do not want to identify your school, then just leave this space blank.....(but if you do, we'd be only too happy to share!)
What is your FIRST NAME? *
We need to be able to identify you. Leave your FIRST NAME ONLY
Would you like to share your last name?
This is SO NOT required. But if you'd like to, go right ahead.
Ok. Leave your testimonial in the space below (you can share as many testimonials as you would like, or just  start a new one when you're done.) *
Remember, this can be as long or as short as you'd like it to be. Just help us get our the word.
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