Problem of power outage in Jeddah
Asslalaamualaikum, I am an engineering  student at King Abdulaziz University doing a research entitled  "problem of power outage in Jeddah". I am doing this research because i see its a big problem that has to be fixed.
I would appreciate it if you could kindly fill up this questionnaire below.
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1.Age *
2.Gender *
3. Where do you live in Jeddah? *
4. How many people live in your house? *
5. How much do you pay for electricity every month? *
6. How many rooms are used daily in your house? *
7. How often dose electricity turn off? *
8. How long does the electricity stay off for? *
9. Rate your uses of electricity? *
10. How does the problem effect you? *
11. How big is the problem in your opinion? *
Very big
Very small
12. How would you rate the electricity provider? *
Very bad
13. What do think are the reasons of power outage in Jeddah? *
14. If you had a chance to deal with other company of electricity in Jeddah would you prefer them? *
Thank you for your time
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