Weekly Quiz 6/25-7/1
Based upon Ch. 4 of Dr Zhivago, "The Advent of the Inevitable"
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1. Lara is ill at the beginning of this chapter; what kind of illness does she have? *
2. Who rents Lara's apartment for her? *
3. How much money does Kologrigov give Lara? *
4. Whom does Lara marry in this section? *
5. Lara and her new husband take jobs teaching in what city? *
6. During what war do you think the second part of this chapter takes place? *
7. Lara leaves her job during the war; what kind of job does she take? *
8. Yury's wife has a *
9. What happens to Yury as he and Misha are headed to the evacuation party? *
10. At the end of the chapter, it is revealed that something has happened in St. Petersburg.  What was it? *
BONUS QUESTION: Why do Yury and Lara keep meeting like this?
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