Request for Coaching
Everybody needs a coach. Every famous athlete, every famous performer has somebody who is a coach -somebody who can say, "Is that what you really meant?" and give them perspective. The one thing people are not really good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps.    ~Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google

Goal of Coaching: To support teachers in their ability to provide high quality instruction that results in achievement for all students.
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Name: *
What kind(s) of support would you like? *
Choose all that apply.
What is the subject area?
Choose all that apply.
What systems or strategies would you like to work on as a part of this coaching? *
Time Frame: *
When would you like this support? Please list a specific DATE or DATE RANGE and the TIME OF DAY that you would like support.
Please list your hopes, questions, or any other details that are necessary for this experience.
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