MuMe Weekend 2013 Submission Form

Those submitting Performance Systems and Installations should provide clear documentation. Draft documentation or documentation of previous work by the author is welcome. We welcome works in progress. We ask for maximum clarity about what is being submitted (e.g., technical understanding of the system, status of development of the system).

Those submitting Documentation submissions should submit these in completed form.

This form does not send a confirmation email. To confirm submission send an email to (recommended due to recent reports of Google Forms malfunctions).

MuMe Weekend dates: 14th, 15th, 16th June 2013.
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Contact Author Name *
Contact Author Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Contact Author Affiliation and/or Postal Address *
Additional Author's Names / Affiliations *
Biography (500 words max) *
Title of Work *
Submission Type *
Description of System (500 words max) *
Additional System Details (1000 words max) *
Please provide a clear description of how the system works. The description does not need to be hugely detailed, but must remove any ambiguity about what your proposed system is actually up to under the hood.
Links to Documentation (500 words max) *
In the case of Performance Systems and Installations, please provide links to any documentation of the system, preferably embedded audio and/or video. If your system is new / in development, it is OK to add documentation of a closely related system, but please be absolutely clear about the date and status of each piece of documentation. Where disambiguation is necessary (e.g., where human and generated music is mixed), provide a brief description about what we are hearing. In the case of Documentation submissions, please provide a link to the documentation itself (quality drafts will be accepted).
Technical Details
In the case of Performance Systems and Installations, please provide detailed technical details of the system and any requirements whatsoever (technical, space, performers, setup time).
Additional Details
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